Senin, 06 Februari 2012

Spoof Text Pertama Aku

di sekolah gw dapet tugas bikin majalah, dan kebetulan gw disuruh bikin teks spoof. teks spoofnya harus asli bikinan sendiri. gw bingung soalnya gak bisa, parahnya tu tugas di kumpulin besok (03-02-2012). tadi di sekolah temen gw ngasih masukan. yaudah deh gw pke aja sedikit ceritanya.. dan ini teks spoof asli bikinan gw yang pertama, emang sedikit aneh sih ceritanya, tapi gw seneng ko. hahaha

Spoof text
Father and his son

One night a family were gathered together in the lounge, chatting and laughing together. they talked about today

his son asked his father
Son: "when in school, what does father ever did anything stupid?"
Father: "not infrequently stupid things father ever did when the school?"
Son: "I never do anything stupid, and I would never do that"
Father: "You sure?"
Son: "of course"
while laughed the father looked at his son. When he go to school, somehow he was lazy to go to school. The first lesson been completed he was surprised to see so many friends bring a book and see his friends are reading and understanding the book. When the break came, he remembered this day there are chemical and freetest and it will be conducted after this break, he was a bit confused because he had not yet learned for this freetest. bell the school rings.

He immediately hurried away from there. When going out of the house the mother says "where are you going" Without looking at her face he said: "I have to go back to class, today there are chemical freetest, if I can’t do it I will be punished. Bell has been sounded ". he realized why the mother and father were in school?. From the front of his father saying "it's not a bell but fart father, when father entered the bed room his son intended to wake the son his and not  accidentally fart.". laughed the son, saying so it's a dream ..
Father: "what you did it stupid"
Son: "I know, fortunately it was all a dream.